I'm sorry to announce that.. I have to stop posting in this blog.. but you can still contact me thru facebook.
Sorry again!
I am so busy lately. I think it is because of changing of my working schedule.Yah lah, lecture pon dah start, kalo sebelum nie just concentrate with my thesis writing sekarang nie dah tambah balik keje demonstrator lame aku..rushing buat paper work lagi, RA work lagi n so on.... malas nak kasi ko orang dengar aku merungut panjang2....
Maybe the tireness boleh aku hindarkan... if aku buat keje tu dengan baik dan bersungguh dari starting lagi n takde stuck2 with stupid reason yg menyebabkan aku lemas dan lemah macam sekarang!.. nie semua salah SAS!.. huh!..
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